The Project Principal Investigators are Katrina Walsemann (University of Maryland, College-Park), Pamela Herd (Georgetown University), and Sanjay Asthana (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
The broader goal of the network is to bring together scientists to improve our understanding of educational disparities in cognitive health in later life. To advance that broader goal, the network as the following aims:
1. Advance scientific understanding of how education relates to ADRD disparities by examining the socioeconomic, social, psychological, health behavior and biological mechanisms that shape resilience and risk across diverse populations. Identifying and clarifying mechanisms is needed to inform interventions to reduce educational disparities in ADRD.
2. Establish an interdisciplinary network of new, emerging, and established ADRD scientists from across the United States who will apply cutting-edge methods and techniques from their respective disciplines to answer complex questions about the education—ADRD relationship in interdisciplinary teams.
3. Facilitate research collaborations and professional development via annual meetings, small working groups, pilot awards, and workshops. Annual meetings and working groups will provide venues for new and emerging ADRD scholars to develop collaborations with established ADRD scholars across disciplinary boundaries and pilot awards will support collaborative research projects. Workshops will provide introductory training in ADRD science and professional development in grant writing, and science communication.
4. Disseminate network products to the scientific community that are discoverable and user-friendly. We will develop a webpage, listserv, and social media account where we will share recorded workshops, network-developed tools and user guides, solicit pilot projects, and highlight the work of our Network members through infographics and short data briefs