
Get to know the work of the Network on Education, Biosocial Pathways and Dementia across Diverse Populations

The overarching goal of the Network on Education, Biosocial Pathways, and Dementia across Diverse Populations, funded by the National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Aging,  is to build an interdisciplinary network of scientists who can elucidate the relationship between educational attainment and ADRD.  We host training and networking events, provide feedback on NIH grant proposals, and fund pilot projects.  

The broader scientific goals of the Network are to:

1) Examine the role of early life factors in shaping the education–ADRD relationship
2) Test the midlife socioeconomic, social, psychological, and health behavior pathways linking education and ADRD
3) Elucidate the biological pathways between education and dementia

Become a member and keep updated on our activities, including pilot research awards, by emailing ebddp_network@umd.edu

Upcoming Events

We’re hosting a workshop at the  IAPHS 2023 Annual Conference in Baltimore, MD on October 9 from 8.30am-12.30 to talk about innovations in dementia research and data, as well as NIH funding opportunities. See our meetings page for more details or email us with questions.